Ellie Pearson Case Study
Meet Ellie! An inspiring student who volunteers her time to help end loneliness.

Related Opportunities

Practical Conservation Volunteer
The Conservation Volunteers
Min. 0 Weeks Minimum weeks
Practical Conservation Volunteer
Community, Mental Health, Education, Environment, Health

Join our volunteers of all ages and backgrounds from 9am to 4pm any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to carry out practical conservation tasks in Durham, Tees and the surrounding countryside. Contact us: 07 483050765 or north-east@tcv.org.uk

Community Volunteer
Middlesbrough Council
Min. 0 Weeks Minimum weeks
Community Volunteer
Community, Health

Volunteering with our community support workers from Newport Community Hub, Middlesbrough North

Climate Ambassador
Climate Action Middlesbrough
Min. 0 Weeks Minimum weeks
Climate Ambassador
Politics, Education, Disaster Relief, Environment, Human Rights

Climate Ambassadors support Climate Action Middlesbrough to reduce the town's footprint and raise awareness of the need for climate action. TO APPLY... please complete and return the form, which can be found at the bottom of the summary section -->.

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