Supporting students on the PASS Scheme
Personal Qualities: trustworthy; non-judgemental; role-model (not perfect but a demonstration you have ‘survived’ previous-year); team player; enthusiasm; friendly; approachable Requirement: the PASS sessions will be running in various courses and modules. Please see for a full list.Recruitment will be based on the assumption that you will pass the relevant module/s.Training: attend 4 half days training during September Level of Commitment:
You’ll need to be available to lead a weekly PASS session (1 hour) and to be able to attend a weekly debrief meeting (approx. 1 hour) with other leaders and with the lecturer to share ideas and any concerns the students have. You’ll also need to make some time to plan the sessions.
Action in sessions: Your role would be to work in pairs to lead discussion, manage groups, enable the students to set the agenda, be supportive of problems; signpost students to relevant help, give participants confidence.
Action outside sessions: email PASS group to remind of session time/location; ask participants if there are specifics they would like to cover; keep in contact with your PASS leader partner and supervisor.
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