As a volunteer with our NHS Cadets Project, you’ll be trained to provide our young people with the skills and opportunities to sustain themselves in health care volunteering.
Volunteer Youth Team – NHS Cadets
St John Ambulance and the NHS are working in partnership to prepare young people to become health volunteers.
As a volunteer with our NHS Cadets Project, you’ll be trained to provide our young people with the skills and opportunities to sustain themselves in health care volunteering.
The NHS Cadets Project aims to attract and develop young people, preparing them to sustain themselves in health volunteering opportunities. Through a 36 week programme, we will be helping young people to not only gain new skills and knowledge but to get hands on experience in the NHS.
We aim to specifically widen access for 14 to 18-year-olds who come from groups which have not traditionally entered health volunteering, such as marginalised young people, those in care, not in education, employment or training or from ethnic minority backgrounds. These are split into two age programmes; 14 - 16 Foundation and 16 - 18 Advanced.
As a member of our Youth Team you’ll help create a safe, inclusive and open environment where young people can learn important life skills to prepare them for health volunteering. You will help plan and deliver sessions and support young people to develop and grow.
Delivery will be on an evening, once a week per programme (your location may have multiple programmes if you are interested in doing more than one) and we aim to deliver the programme face to face, however some virtual delivery maybe required for a blended approach.
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