Following on last years success, we are looking for volunteers again for this years Intersectional Pride with all of the Teesside University Focus Groups (Disability, Ethnic & Cultural Diversity, Faith & Belief, and Gender).

What You'll Do: 

We will need on-the-day support ranging from setting up stalls, to directing guests, to documenting the day through photos and videos! There will be a range of different tasks you can help with, and you can spend the whole day with us or just an hour - whatever suits. 

Why You'll Love It: 
Last year's Pride event was extremely well-received and well-attended. This year, you can help contribute to our award winning event that is actively making our University more inclusive. You'll get to meet diverse groups of people, enjoy spoken word and musical performances, and browse lots of exciting stalls! We are all about accessibility, so if it helps you to work more behind-the-scenes, we are happy to chat to you about how best to get involved.
What You'll Learn: 
As a volunteer, you'll develop skills in adaptability and event management. You will also be interacting with people with many different backgrounds and experiences, which sets you up well for the modern workplace.
What We're Looking For: 
Empathetic, open-minded individuals who want to make a difference!
Mental Health
0 Weeks Minimum
0 Hours / Week
Skills you will develop: 
Interpersonal / Confidence
Languages you should know: 
Professional working
Statement of Motivation

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