Safe Families
We believe that no one should feel alone. We exist to create relationship and connection because everyone deserves to belong. Facing life alone is hard, and when you feel there is no one there to support you it is a scary place to be. Therefore, at Safe Families we offer support, hope and belonging to improve the lives of those in our communities. We link children, young people and families with local volunteers who can offer them help and support.

Safe Families is a national charity that works with 40+ local authorities around the UK. We train and equip volunteers from all walks of life to offer hope, belonging and support to children, parents and care leavers. We take all our volunteers through our Safer Recruitment Process, part of which is a DBS check.

Volunteers are matched to a family that complements the volunteer's commitments, experiences and preferences. We get to know you through our Safer Recruitment Process so that we can match you to a family you'll enjoy supporting.

Could you be a Family Friend? This is what it says on the tin; simply being a friend to someone in the family. Perhaps it's taking a child to the beach for a couple of hours on a fortnightly basis or meeting up with a mum for a coffee, just to be a listening ear. Maybe you could get to know a young person and show them how valued they are?

Perhaps you could be a Host Home and open up your home to a child on a couple of nights a month, just to give them and their family some breathing space.


Through our Local Authority partnerships, we have demonstrated a decrease in the flow of children going into the care system of between 9 – 16%! The power of being there for someone makes a huge impact.

Love: loving abundantly – supporting with hope, generosity and dignity and connection
Belonging: building community – establishing positive relationships that bring security and connection
Faith: trusting boldly - believing for lives transformed and in a God who can do more than we can ask or imagine
Empowerment: enabling potential – confident everyone has the ability to thrive
Humility: serving together – we know we can’t do it alone, so we invest in strong, honest and honouring partnerships
CSJ Award 2019

Our volunteers come from all walks of life; we have volunteers as young as 18 and as old as 80! No formal experience is required, other than a desire to love and support those who are going through a difficult time. Because of the variety of our roles, there is a role for everyone at Safe Families. We are looking for loving, resilient, committed volunteers who will come alongside a child, young person, parent or carer. 


We are a charity that wants to be known for belonging. So many of our volunteers and families form natural friendships that go beyond the official support offered by Safe Families. If you and the family you are matched with want to remain in touch beyond the official support, we can help make that happen!

Mental Health
Social Care

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Our Opportunities

Family Friend
Safe Families
Min. 12 Weeks Minimum weeks
Family Friend

Safe Families is a charity that works with 35+ local authorities around the UK. Safe Family friends work directly with families. Coming alongside and giving support to parents and children when they need it most, making sure they feel less isolated.