Active Healthier Together articulates what we stand for and acts as our primary message. It is what sets us apart and makes active Hartlepool the place be active. We aim to get more people, more active, more often by delving high quality sustainable services with equal opportunities for all, both in our centres and out in the community. Our goals are:
- Ensure all of our customers always receive a high-quality service
- Continue to improve what we do and how we do it
- Make a difference with partners and customers
- Increase investment in sport and physical activity
- Develop a skilled and motivated paid and volunteer workforce
- Be a great place to work
We work to tackle the wider health agenda and reduce helath inequalities, to create opporuntunities and raise aspirations for the people living in Hartlepool.
We look for enthusiastic individuals with a passion for sport and exercise, who enjoy working within the community and can see the benefits being active brings to peoples mental and physical health.
We offer a range of opporuntities and experience from lesiure, commnuity, outdoor edcuation and sport/physical acitivty. If there aren't any opportunities that tickle your fancy please still get in touch, as we can taylor opportunities to suit the right person.