Healthwatch helps you and your family get the best out of health and social services in Darlington.Information and Signposting:Healthwatch Darlington can help you to find the right services you need through our information and signposting service.We can provide information about the services that are available to you - helping you to make the right choices.Influence:We gather the views and opinions of the local community and see what is good about the services they use, as well as what they think is bad or concerning as well. We tell providers what you think about their service, and we also tell the people who pay for your services what you think about them, and what your experiences were. We pass on our finding to the Care Quality Commission and Healthwatch England.
We need to continue making a difference and trying to influence change for the better when it comes to everyones health and social care services. We put real life service users at the heart of decision making ensuring that services are designed for the better in the future.
People who have a passion for making a difference to health and care in their local area.
We have a inclusive and flexiable volunteering programme offering a wide range of roles to suit everyone. We are inclusive to all communties and people from different back grounds. We can offer an insight into the health and social care sector like no other organisation.