Nitelightcic have been working behind the scenes since March 2020. We then registered in April 2020, supporting the most vulnerable in our community with hygiene bags. Then in December of 2020, due to restrictions, we then launched our pay forward services website. Which allows people to help and support their local community from the comfort of their own home. People can go onto our website and purchase a meal/snacks/drinks card and hygiene bags for men/women and children. People facing poverty often have to make a choice between purchasing a loaf of bread or a tube of toothpaste. By someone going onto our website and donating, this allows us to help reduce peoples worries of finding food whilst helping to maintain their hygiene.
Here at Nitelightcic, we are volunteer led. We have 4 members of staff and 30 volunteers on board. The number of volunteers is increasing on a daily basis which is fantastic. We run various events throughout the week, month and year all within our local community and across the whole of tees valley. The day-to-day activities volunteers are involved with vary from...free market stalls, litter picking, leaflet drop, walkabout local town centres, creating hygiene bags, fundraising, attending local events, sorting through donations and collections. Due to the reduction of various restrictions, we have so many more new projects coming this year. Thanks to our dedicated, pragmatic, multiskilled and multidisciplined team we here at nightlightcic are in the right place at the right time.
Unfortunately, due to recent economic changes, homelessness and poverty are increasing on a scale which is far outgrowing what is available within our community. Here at nitelightcic, we help reduce people’s anxiety, stress and worries of finding the basics in life. Being active in the local community helps spread awareness at the core of the town that needs the help the most. Having our volunteers out on the streets engaging first hand with the public and predominantly the homeless allows us to target the most vulnerable and the areas they frequent.
imagine a world of not knowing where your next meal will be? where it will come from? what nutrition you can get! now imagine a world of no toothbrush, toothpaste, clean water, any water, sanitary or hygiene products. Here at nitelightcic we see this on a daily, hourly basis what you just imagined. it really is still happening not only in this day and age but more importantly within our own community.... your community.
Punctual/Good time keeping
Interpersonal skills
Problem soving
Ability to learn new ways
Work well as part of a team
Able to work independently
Positive Attitude
Passionate about what we do
Throughout our community, nobody works in the same way we do. We do not require referrals, appointments, address or even ID. We have a no questions asked ethos unless individuals chose to speak about their current situation when attending our free market stall. We are always there to help in any way we can, we just have a more laid-back approach when it comes to the service users feeling comfortable engaging with our services on offer. sometimes, service users can be embarrassed and just want to get a few bits and leave. other service users like to chat and engage with our team. Everyone is welcome and that’s why we are different. we are on the streets face to face engaging with the people we are trying to help.
The cashless aid allows us to partnership with local organisations, businesses, cafes and bistros. By purchasing a meal card via our digital pay, it forward scheme, local communities can work together.
This scheme is vital in allowing service users to get out of the cold and eat a warm meal without fear of judgement or being moved on. This gives the service user, who is homeless a sense of recognition from their own community, a small moment in time of a feeling of belonging.