Community Campus 87 is a third sector social enterprise that provides housing, support and training opportunities for people who experience homelessness and are marginalised throughout the Tee Valley. Founded by a group of like minded individuals as a response to high levels of youth homelessness and unemployment in the mid-eighties the organisation is now one of the leaders in the sector providing;
housing ( 67 properties owned by CC87) and support for 150 people at any one time
specific contracts with local authorities for Unaccommpanied minors and Care Leavers - rough sleepers -
small number of low rent general needs accommodation
apprenticeships in construction and administration
maintenance and refurbishment for CC87 properties and external customers
assistance to other organisations in the region
We are 'more than just a roof' - what matters to us is the deveopment and progression of individuals within our services. We know that our in our area there high levels of poverty - poor health outcomes - disproportionate levels of drug deaths - and so on - we want to provide the springboard for people to have aspirations and hope for the future.
we want peole who share our values (outlined above)
we want people who want to make a difference to people lives who are not judgememtal - are good communicators who are aware that change is challenging but not impossible.
we have maintained our core values over thirty years and have remained 'local' growing organically year on year.
we have a greater level of 'stickability' with our tenants than other services and undertsand that set backs and challenges are part of someones journey to independence.