Our support workers are here to offer you support and advice to keep safe and will work with you to make informed decisions and explore your options.
Most importantly our support workers recognise that telling someone about abuse is not an easy step and they are here to listen to and support you. We recognise that not everyone wants to or is ready to take action and we will support you to be safe whether you decide to remain with your partner or not. All our support staff are independent of other services such as Police, Courts, Housing and Social Care however they can work with a range of agencies to advocate for you where that helps or is needed.
Domestic abuse is a huge problem in Middlesbrough: - rates are among the highest in the UK - biggest single cause of homelessness 80% - cited in 85% child protection cases. We see impacts on mental and physical wellbeing, finances, employment and family. COVID has created a shadow pandemic- abuse and control are less predictable, more severe and lockdown has been traumatising. Referrals have rocketed as restrictions ease, by almost 50%. We have never worked harder and need your help.