Darlington Association on Disability was established in 1986 as a voluntary and charitable organisation led by disabled people. It exists to promote independence and choice, supporting disabled people and carers through the provision of services, support, and information, and by tackling issues locally and nationally. DAD promotes the social model of disability and, as part of that remit, is actively involved in promoting disability equality and awareness of anti-discrimination legislation.
DAD acts as a focal point for consultation with disabled people and carers. It also manages a range of services and projects to support its aims.
DAD works to the Social Model of Disability and works to remove barriers caused by Society for people with impairments.
Do You like to have fun?
Want to make new friends?
Experience new things?
Get messy?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, DASH is the place for you!
A User Led Organisation (ULO) is one which is run by and controlled by disabled people of all ages. ULOs give people more choice and control over how their support needs are met.
A report produced by the Prime Ministers Strategy Unit Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People r(2005) recommends that each locality should have at least one ULO.
Typically, ULOs provide:
- Information and advice
- Peer support and advocacy
- Support to use a Direct Payment or Personal budget
- Support to recruit and employ personal assistants
- Assistance with self-assessment
- Disability Equality Training
- Support for the implementation of the Equality Duty
As a ULO DAD also responds to the needs of local disabled people and carers, and involves them in designing, delivering and monitoring its services. DAD’s Memorandum and Articles are designed to ensure that disabled people maintain control of DAD. Our membership reflects the same principle.