Youth group volunteer - WHISH tweens group Tues 5 – 7 pm

Youth group volunteer
Saturday Club Sat 10 am – 12 doesn't have to be every week
This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with young people in our community, aged 10-12.
Working alongside our trained Youth Workers.

What You'll Do: 

The tween group is on every Tuesday, but you don't have to come every week - you can join a team of volunteers and come once a month if that suits you.

Some children have additional needs, some are siblings.


The tween group do a variety of different activities each week: play pool. do art & crafts, do sports outside in warm weather, cook, IT, music, Pokemon, use our fabulous sensory room or chill and chat with their friends. If you could join in on any of these, that would be great.

Are you good at sports or crafts  or music  photography   arts   come along and share your talent.

There will be compulsory safeguarding training, optional - first aid , sign language, understanding autism,

Why You'll Love It: 
Friendly staff, great kids ( max 12 in group ). Every week is different. We have other visiting professionals demonstrating crafts , etc. We can pay travel expenses.  Free parking.
What You'll Learn: 
There will be compulsory safeguarding training,      optional - first aid , sign language, understanding autism,
What We're Looking For: 
Friendly staff, great kids ( max 12 in group )  Every week is different. We have other visiting professionals demonstrating crafts , etc. We can pay travel expenses. Free parking.
Young People
Another city in the UK
0 Weeks Minimum
2 Hours / Week
Skills you will develop: 
Active listening
Interpersonal / Confidence