Save the Centre from the threat of closure - it’s going to be a massive challenge. £100,000 would give us time to increase our activities, buy more horses, carry out maintenance projects, apply for more grants and arrange fundraising events
The Unicorn Centre is a purpose built equestrian centre providing equine therapy, activities and riding lessons to young people and adults who may have a physical, mental health, or learning disability. We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who support our lessons and our fundraising activity. However, we need the profile of the centre raising as we need to bring in more income to ensure the future of the centre.
Unicorn Centre is seeking to secure through public donations and fund raising activity the sum of £100,000 to avoid the closure of the centre. The Centre has a small staff of nine people most of whom work part time. We hold a number of events to fundraise but it would be good to have a younger age group’s view on fundraising and even better for the group to organise and deliver activity on our behalf.
Staff and trustees are arranging a number of events and fundraising activity. However the Centre would be interested to see if a group of young people could formulate a fundraising plan which would attract a wider range of donors – to enable us to reach our goal of £100,000.
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