This Do Good, Feel Good Event will be a £1 Clothing Sale in line with the Sustainable Futures Strategy and also the cost-of-living crisis.
The aim of the sale is to prevent clothing etc going to landfill and help to support students and staff who are in need of clothing however, are unable to purchase new, due to lack of funds. We are looking to collect ladies, men’s and children’s clothes/coats/shoes/hats/scarves/gloves/accessories etc that are in a saleable condition, which will then be sorted, sized and labelled prior to sale day. We would also welcome the donation of coat hangers which we can use on sale day. We are looking for volunteers who are free on Friday 7 March to help with the sorting and labelling of the donations and also volunteers on sale day which is on Tuesday 11 March. Sale day volunteers will help with set up/logisitics prior to the sale and also assist staff, and customers in choosing clothes. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to a local charity that Volun-tees currently supports. Please note, you do not have to available all dates. Please state which dates and times you are available please?
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