Calling young people aged 18-30!

We are on the hunt for the next generation of individuals who will help to shape, conserve, and enhance our National Park.

Join Youth Voice to have your say and become a part of a growing youth movement.

What You'll Do: 

The North York Moors National Park Youth Voice is a collective of young people working to vocalise the aspirations and concerns of a generation towards the future of our protected spaces and rural communities.


Participants meet on a monthly basis, to share ideas, create meaningful campaigns, and develop initiatives.


Members elect a Youth Council, a platform developed for older members aged 18-30 to represent the entirety of the Youth Voice at both a regional and national level, including among decision makers at the North York Moors National Park Authority.


The vision is that the Youth Council will be run by young people for young people and will include a diverse range of representatives, each with a deep-rooted passion for the natural world and a desire to improve the lives of their peers. It will also include representatives aged 18-30 from the National Park Authority’s staff and volunteers.


Our Youth Voice members were involved in the development of the National Park's Management Plan, and have even acted as spokespeople on local radio and other media channels to discuss important topics such as the Countryside Code.


As we face environmental decline and instability, never have your views been more needed!


If you'd like to find out more about this role, please get in touch with us on

Redcar and Cleveland
0 Weeks Minimum
0 Hours / Week
Over 18

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